英国威廉希尔中文网站努力为所有学生维护安全和欢迎的设施, 教师, 工作人员, 和游客. Animals on campus pose a special set of challenges for a campus that has residential, 教学, and recreational spaces used by a variety of people. 将动物带入校园的指导方针旨在平衡动物主人和社区其他成员的利益.
范围 & 观众
This policy applies to 员工, 学生, 游客, 承包商, and applicants for admission to or employment with the University.
〇服务动物 By current Federal regulations, 任何被单独训练的狗,为有残疾的人(包括身体残疾的人)工作或执行任务, 感觉, 精神病学, 知识, or other mental disability. Examples of work or tasks include, but are not limited to the following:
- Assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision with navigation and other tasks
- 提醒失聪或有听力障碍的人注意有人或有声音的
- Pulling a wheelchair
- Alerting and protecting individuals during a seizure
- Alerting individuals to the presence of allergens
- Alerting individuals when blood sugar reaches high or low levels
- Retrieving items such as medicine or the telephone
- 为行动不便的人提供身体上的支持和帮助,帮助他们保持平衡和稳定
- 通过预防或打断冲动或破坏性行为,帮助有精神和神经障碍的个体
- Providing non-violent protection or rescue work
Emotional Support Animal – Animals that provide a sense of safety, 陪伴或安慰:对有精神或情感残疾或状况的人的陪伴或安慰. Although these animals may provide therapeutic benefit, they are not considered service animals under Federal regulations.
其他动物 Any animal not otherwise specified as a service animal or emotional support animal.
University Housing – Includes all residence halls, 联排别墅, village properties rented to 学生, 员工, 或其他, and fraternity housing.
校园建筑 Includes all academic, administrative, and athletic facilities.
General Requirements
- 所有动物必须符合有关动物疫苗接种和许可要求的适用法律.
- 动物不能失控,处理者必须采取有效措施来控制动物. 控制, 这也意味着动物不应该被允许以破坏校园社区环境的方式反复吠叫.
- The animal must be housebroken, and the animal's behavior, 和出席不得对大学社区造成无法控制的干扰或干扰.
- 动物不能对学校或他人的财产造成物理损害,不能对他人的安全构成直接威胁.
- 居民必须在安全卫生的情况下清理并妥善处理动物粪便. The resident is required to ensure the animal is well cared for at all times. Evidence of mistreatment and abuse may result in removal of the animal from campus.
- 对于动物造成的任何超出合理磨损的损害,居民可能会被收取费用,其程度与大学向其他人收取超出合理磨损的损害相同.
- 动物不得留在大学宿舍过夜,由除动物主人以外的任何人照顾. The resident is responsible for ensuring that the animal is contained, 适当的, when the resident is not present while attending classes or other activities.
- 居民同意遵守与居民残疾无关的同等适用的住宿政策, 例如,确保动物不会过度干扰其他居民的日常活动或给居住在那里的个人造成困难.
- 大学员工不得被要求为任何动物提供照顾或食物,包括, but not limited to, removing the animal during emergency evacuation for events such as a fire alarm. 紧急救援人员将决定是否转移动物,并且可能不负责护理, 损害, or loss of the animal.
- 当发现其他动物不符合此政策时,应联系公共安全办公室.
- Except as specifically provided below, animals that do not meet these criteria, or who act in other disruptive ways, will not be allowed to remain on campus.
Service animals are allowed in University Housing and 校园 Buildings. A service animal must be harnessed, 栓着, 或者在公共场所系上绳子,除非这些设备干扰了服务性动物的工作,或者个人的残疾阻止了这些设备的使用. 在这种情况下, the individual must use voice, 信号, or other effective means to maintain control of the animal. If the requirements set out in IV and V cannot be met, 在采取任何行动将动物移走之前,大学将与该个人进行讨论, 除非需要立即采取行动保护个人或他人的健康和安全.
Emotional Support Animals
Emotional Support Animals in University Housing
有执照的精神卫生专业人员出具的书面证明,证明该动物提供了支持,减轻了至少一种已确定的现有残疾症状或影响, 如果得到残疾服务办公室的批准并在住宿生活办公室注册,居民可以在大学宿舍养一只情感支持动物. The Office of 居住生活 will consider the needs of roommates, apartment-mates, 以及同一楼层的居民在分配房间时考虑到有被批准的情感支持动物的居民.动物只允许在大学宿舍,只要它是必要的,因为居民的残疾. 如果动物不再需要或不再居住,居民必须书面通知居住生活办公室.
Emotional Support Animals in 校园 Buildings
Emotional support animals are not allowed in 校园 Buildings. They may not enter classrooms or offices, nor may they be brought to athletic events. 本政策的任何例外都必须事先得到残疾服务委员会和教务长办公室的批准.
其他动物 are allowed only in the outside, public grounds areas of campus. Animals must be secured to a leash, 绳, 链, or similar direct physical control of a maximum length of six (6) feet, the other end of which is restrained by a person at all times. They may not be brought into University Housing or 校园 Buildings. 其他动物可在一段合理的时间内被限制在校园内停放的车辆内, 只要该动物不是濒危动物,不会危害他人或造成公害, e.g. 过度的吠叫. In the event of endangerment to the animal 或其他, the City of Evansville Animal Care & Control will be contacted for appropriate action.
The only exception to these policies will be for animals used in teaching or research, 并且这些动物的护理和使用必须在校园到达之前得到学校动物护理和使用委员会(IACUC)的批准.